Morningscore increase/decrease a lot in a single day
From time to time, we receive questions about why a Morningscore suddenly rises or drops dramatically from one day to the next.
Usually, there’s a logical explanation, which ties back to how Morningscore is calculated.
If you notice sudden increases or decreases in your Morningscore that are larger than typical fluctuations, it’s usually due to one of these reasons:
You started ranking for a new keyword with either high search volume and/or a high CPC.
Google is testing the SERP (as they continuously do), which temporarily causes your ranking for a keyword to drop significantly or rise sharply.
To investigate, go to "All Keywords," set the start date to the day before the change or the day of the change if it has already stabilized.
Then navigate to "Changes," where you’ll see the specific keyword(s) that influenced your score, how much, and why (the increase or decrease).
If you see large changes for a keyword you’ve consistently ranked for in some capacity, it’s typically the result of Google testing results in the SERP.
Don’t panic. Give it a few days and see if things return to the previous state.
If you suddenly rank for a new keyword you didn’t rank for before, consider the relevance of that keyword.
For generic keywords like "and" or similar, the actual value is, of course, 0. However, due to potentially high search volume, such a keyword can significantly impact your Morningscore.
Note: You cannot remove a keyword, even if you don’t find it relevant. Morningscore shows all keywords your site ranks for.
In severe cases, where your Morningscore is heavily impacted by one irrelevant keyword that doesn’t disappear on its own after a few days, you can contact us via chat to request that the keyword be excluded from your account.
Usually, there’s a logical explanation, which ties back to how Morningscore is calculated.
If you notice sudden increases or decreases in your Morningscore that are larger than typical fluctuations, it’s usually due to one of these reasons:
You started ranking for a new keyword with either high search volume and/or a high CPC.
Google is testing the SERP (as they continuously do), which temporarily causes your ranking for a keyword to drop significantly or rise sharply.
To investigate, go to "All Keywords," set the start date to the day before the change or the day of the change if it has already stabilized.
Then navigate to "Changes," where you’ll see the specific keyword(s) that influenced your score, how much, and why (the increase or decrease).
If you see large changes for a keyword you’ve consistently ranked for in some capacity, it’s typically the result of Google testing results in the SERP.
Don’t panic. Give it a few days and see if things return to the previous state.
If you suddenly rank for a new keyword you didn’t rank for before, consider the relevance of that keyword.
For generic keywords like "and" or similar, the actual value is, of course, 0. However, due to potentially high search volume, such a keyword can significantly impact your Morningscore.
Note: You cannot remove a keyword, even if you don’t find it relevant. Morningscore shows all keywords your site ranks for.
In severe cases, where your Morningscore is heavily impacted by one irrelevant keyword that doesn’t disappear on its own after a few days, you can contact us via chat to request that the keyword be excluded from your account.
Updated on: 16/12/2024