How is the traffic calculated in Morningscore?
Traffic in Morningscore is calculated based on your domain’s position for a keyword and the monthly search volume for that keyword.
We do not track traffic on your website; instead, the traffic numbers are estimates based on statistical data where positions from 1 to 20 each receive a percentage of the total search volume as traffic.
Here’s the list showing positions and the corresponding percentage click-through rate (CTR) for each position:
Position 1 gets 21.12%
Position 2 gets 10.65%
Position 3 gets 7.57%
Position 4 gets 4.66%
Position 5 gets 3.42%
Position 6 gets 2.89%
Position 7 gets 2.69%
Position 8 gets 2.10%
Position 9 gets 1.85%
Position 10 gets 1.75%
Position 11 gets 1.70%
Position 12 gets 1.65%
Position 13 gets 1.60%
Position 14 gets 1.55%
Position 15 gets 1.50%
Position 16 gets 1.45%
Position 17 gets 1.40%
Position 18 gets 1.35%
Position 19 gets 1.30%
Position 20 gets 1.25%
The image below shows the traffic for each position when ranking for a keyword with 1,000 monthly searches:

The graph below also illustrates the click-through rate (CTR) for each position and the total estimated traffic:

We do not track traffic on your website; instead, the traffic numbers are estimates based on statistical data where positions from 1 to 20 each receive a percentage of the total search volume as traffic.
Here’s the list showing positions and the corresponding percentage click-through rate (CTR) for each position:
Position 1 gets 21.12%
Position 2 gets 10.65%
Position 3 gets 7.57%
Position 4 gets 4.66%
Position 5 gets 3.42%
Position 6 gets 2.89%
Position 7 gets 2.69%
Position 8 gets 2.10%
Position 9 gets 1.85%
Position 10 gets 1.75%
Position 11 gets 1.70%
Position 12 gets 1.65%
Position 13 gets 1.60%
Position 14 gets 1.55%
Position 15 gets 1.50%
Position 16 gets 1.45%
Position 17 gets 1.40%
Position 18 gets 1.35%
Position 19 gets 1.30%
Position 20 gets 1.25%
The image below shows the traffic for each position when ranking for a keyword with 1,000 monthly searches:

The graph below also illustrates the click-through rate (CTR) for each position and the total estimated traffic:

Updated on: 18/12/2024