Articles on: General FAQ

Where does my data come from?

The data you see in the tool is sourced and gathered from 7 different data sources. These include different data partners that are all active and relevant in the field of SEO.

If you want to read more about our data quality and why it is important, our CEO Karsten also explains this topic in a blog post.

Our 7 data sources are:

Oxylabs (Most precise ranking data we have found so far – very reliable)
Moz (Link data – we found their data to be better than Ahrefs in our 2000 websites test)
DataforSEO (Keyword data)
Serpstat (Keyword data)
Google Ads (Keyword data)
Google Search Console (Keyword data)
Apify (Health data)

The origin of your Morningscore Data

Morningscore Data Sources

Updated on: 31/01/2024