Articles on: Links

How can a high Linkscore help my website?

The Linkscore shows you the strength of your website's links from other websites, which is determined by how much authority the websites that link to you have combined.

The higher your Linkscore, the better your chances of ranking high in Google.

How do I know if my Linkscore is good or bad?

There are simple steps to take. This article can help give you answers

Does my Linkscore affect my Morningscore?


On average, you can expect your Morningscore to increase by $0.63 every time you manage to increase your Linkscore by 1.

We made a study on 2000 websites on the correlation between Linkscore and Morningscore. We were astonished to find a rather strong and consistent correlation between Linkscore and Morningscore.

Always keep in mind that SEO is a long-term process, and it may take up to 18 months for a Linkscore increase to manifest itself as a higher Morningscore.

Check your Linkscore in our easy backlink checker.

Read more about Linkscore here

Updated on: 31/01/2024