Articles on: Health

Morningscore shows "too low word count" on pages with more than 400 words

If you encounter Morningscore reporting one or more issues with the health check "too low word count" there can be a few explanations:

You have edited the page and added more words to the landing page since the last scan. Start a new scan.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue:

Your content is "hidden" in tabs/accordions that Morningscore cannot read. If you can confirm that the landing page has more than 400 words, you can safely ignore the issue.

Before ignoring the issue, you should double-check whether Google has indexed the content in your accordions.

Open one of your accordions/tabs, copy a full sentence of the content, and search on Google:

site:[your domain] "[paste the copied content]"

Do not include the [ ]

If your landing page appears in the search results, Google has indexed the content, and everything is fine. Mark the issue and ignore it in Morningscore.

Updated on: 17/12/2024