Articles on: Health

Morningscore is finding old URLs in health

If you find old URLs under "Health" that shouldn’t be there, there could be a few reasons for this:

The latest full scan is outdated. Run a full scan if you haven’t completed one recently.

You’ve deleted pages without redirecting them or otherwise signaling that they no longer exist.

Start by initiating a full scan and wait for it to complete. Once the scan is finished, the pages should disappear.

If the pages don’t disappear, you should check them and either redirect them to existing pages or disallow our user agent from accessing them. See our guides here.

If you encounter a lot of landing pages you don’t recognize, there could be various causes.

For example, do you have a calendar integration on your site that automatically generates a landing page for each week, many years into the future? This could also apply to other types of auto-generated landing pages. Solve the issue by disallowing our user agent via your robots.txt file, and then run a full scan again.

Updated on: 16/12/2024